- Wasteland: Volume 4One of our Seven Devils tracks now features on the new Goth City compilation, Wasteland: Volume 4. Get yer filthy hands on a copy at Goth City Records.
- The Wattingers interview (NeofuturisTV)We were interviewed by Derek Anthony Williams of Jan Doyle Band fame. Here are the results.
- Buy Our Merch!You can now buy T-Shirts, badges and CDs, through our Big Cartel store at thewattingers.bigcartel.com, or hit ‘Store’ in the menu.
- Seven Devils Album ReleasedGo to Bandcamp to order your copy https://thewattingers.bandcamp.com/album/seven-devils
- The Adventures of the Happy Little Wattingers and the Bus Load of American TouristsBy Steven C Davis Once upon a time, in the outlying lands of Kernow, where crocogators lived in fetid swamps and feral jackalopes hunted the wild moors, there dwelt the Wattinger clan. The Wattinger clan was known throughout the land – cannibals and killers, moonshine-makers and skin-wearers – and they were feared aplenty. It was Read More …